‘Tales from the Forge‘ is a celebration of the work we do with our regular Participation groups. After an eventful year, where we have moved buildings and restructured the company, we were unable to offer our regular and loyal participation their normal performance times. So of course, sensibly, we decided to put them all on one day! The idea is a result of all the thinking we have been doing about the company – how stories are at the heart of what we do, and how the mini communities we make within the groups are the heartbeat of Forest Forge.
We started working really early with the groups, observing their dynamics and deciding what tales they could tell. We wanted the audience to have the opportunity to see as many stories as possible in one afternoon, so settled on lots of short stories and designed the event to be like a mini theatre festival. All the groups are performing twice, the shows are about 10 – 25 mins, and the audience can wander around the grounds seeing anyone from the 7 year olds to Act Your Age perform.
We have 2 creation stories in ‘Tiddalick the Frog’ by Group 1 (7 -10 year olds) and ‘The Leopards Drum’ by our satellite Waterside Drama Group. Group 2 (10 – 12years) are telling the local story of ‘The Bisterne Dragon’. Group 3 (12- 14years) are showing the gothic German tale of ‘Fearnot’; and Group 4 (14 -16yrs) are delving into Greek transformation myths. The cautionary tales of ‘Struwwelpeter’ is staged by Group 5 (16 – 18yrs), and our Young Company have written their own piece about the Fates exploring what it means to be 20-something years old. Branching Out one of our newest groups of adults with a learning disability are bringing some walkabout ‘Story Wizards’ to delight the audience. And finally, but no means least, our over 55 year olds Act Your Age are bringing us ‘Park Bench Stories’ where 13 different stories are told to one audience member at a time on a bench. And if that wasn’t enough we are delighted to host ‘Tales for and Unruly Audience’ by Lung and a Half Full to finish the event in style. George, who founded Lung and a Half Full, is a former Youth Theatre Legend and now professional artist and theatre maker. We are delighted to have him back in the fold and rounding off our event with a bang.
We work collaboratively with all our groups, using a working style where everyone feels that they have a say and a creative input. It is playful, fun, sometimes chaotic, but ALWAYS rewarding and we are so proud of all our groups and what they have made. When you see the groups performing you are witnessing the results of a very real shared experience.
We are overjoyed to have had professional support from the wonderful Dom Phillips as stage manager and Lizzie Watts as designer. We have also had emerging creative Tilly Phillips who has been attending every group and making props. We have a team of fantastic volunteers who are supporting on the day, we are so lucky to have such brilliant support from the wider Forest Forge family.
So if stories are your thing, a gentle festival vibe up your street and you are interested in what we do and how, come and see ‘Tales from the Forge’.
Lucy Phillips
Co-Artistic Director of Forest Forge Theatre Company.